Do you ever feel lost? Like you’re wandering around this place with no direction? Well, you’re not alone. Every human being has felt this in some way, shape, or form in their lifetime. And I actually spent almost my entire life feeling this way. I’d say to some degree it’s normal…but I find it unfortunate that so many people feel this way but they feel too embarrassed or ashamed to talk about it.
The first step is you have to know whether you’re one of those people that can navigate your own way out of it, or if talking about it and asking for help is the way for you. I have spent a lot of time being introspective and reflective, always learning through reading, listening, and writing…so in a very slow and uncomfortable way I got to know myself really well and also realized I was a stubborn ass.
Realizing I was stubborn, and that I dictate my happiness or unhappiness via the choices I make, I went on what has now been close to a ten year journey (in phases) and I continue to adventure through the crevices of my mind. I don’t think it is a process with a definitive end, especially for someone like me that never stops thinking and philosophizing. I am an observer, a listener, a talker, someone that ponders and wonders (usually endlessly) about this unsolvable Rubik’s Cube we call life.
I firmly believe that those feelings of purpose, direction, and fulfillment come from knowing yourself and being secure with who that is. I also believe that these feelings come from being involved, helping others (and not in a tree hugger kind of way, helping someone find a job or connecting two people that can do business together is a great feeling), learning, adventuring, and being a part of something bigger than you.
These are the things that give you a long term sense of happiness, connectedness…not the car you drive, the house you live in, or the clothes you wear. The materialistic crap is truly a short term “feel good” type of thing. So put your credit card away and start connecting…on a real, human, honest level (with yourself and with others)…and life’s doors will open.
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