If you approach me on a social networking site in the hopes that I will follow you or accept your friend request, there are some simple guidelines…
1) Have a photo of YOU for your avatar…if you’re a business I understand you can’t do that sometimes, but it’s always nice to see who you are going to start engaging with.
2) Fill out your profile, nothing sucks more than going to read about you and there’s, well, nothing there.
3) Have some links to your other social sites, a blog, your business…something that tells me about YOU.
4) Sometimes dropping me a few words, you know, a note; helps clarify why you want to engage with me. There is a lot of spam out there, so to specifically explain why you want to engage would be good.
These are my top four things to do when you want to engage with people online, it just makes sense! What have I missed here?
One of the most valuable things you’ve taught me is to “be yourself” when you’re out there engaging! If you’re trying to be something you’re not, it will become evident sooner or later, and then all credibility is lost. Good list!
Easy guide for meaningful engagement for sure! But I have to ask, you say they should specifically tell you why a person wants to engage with you? Would you accept ‘because you seem like a fun, positive guy most of the time’ as a response? #JustAsking
Thanks Annie, as we both know, there’s nothing more important than being you…trying to be someone else just never works out!!
Cheri…thanks! When I said, “Sometimes dropping me a few words, you know, a note; helps clarify why you want to engage with me.”…I mean in instances where you may have a locked profile or something (Facebook for example), dropping me a note so I know you are for real might help. I don’t think I need a note every time someone wants to follow or friend me, but if I can’t get some idea of who you are via you pic, profile, or links; a note would be nice.
And I agree, I am a fun, positive guy!! LOL
Cheers Cheri!!
I think you hit every point pretty well Matt. Happy Labor Day.
Thanks Loshel, appreciate it brother!! We need to hook up some time over beer or wine!! Happy Labor Day back atcha!!