It’s beyond frustrating when people think they have all the answers, especially when it comes to politics. I have been watching more and more people express their political views online, and two things come to mind. First is, that many of these people don’t talk that openly about politics off line, face to face, but they feel a comfort to do it online (just an interesting tidbit). The second thing is, those people that like to place blame on one politician or one party for all the troubles we face.
When Bush was President you had people on the left crying about how he was a devil and he was destroying our country. Now, with Obama in office, you have people on the right crying out about how he is evil and is trying to destroy our country.
Really? You think either man hates America? And beyond that, hates America enough to want to tear it apart? How foolish, how ignorant, how disappointing.
I do not think there is a single politician in Washington that hates America, however, I do think it is the fault of these same people that we are in the boat we’re in. It’s not a matter of hating America, because I don’t think they do. It’s not a matter of this party is evil or that party is evil. The problem is this…they (all of them) do not compromise, they (all of them) will not stop the bickering and name calling, they (all of them) are more concerned with their own bank account rather than solving America’s issues, they (all of them) are afraid to make REAL changes due to possible backlash, they (all of them) are so caught up in the status quo that change is impossible…they (all of them) don’t have the balls to make that “impossible” change.
Why don’t we the citizens stop doing what they do, which is argue and bicker over dumb ass points? Let’s look for common ground, compromise, and most of all, let’s stop blaming one man or one party; we know damn well it is the collective group that is driving the bus, not one.
From your mouth to their ears…unfortuntly we all know that is not the way it will happen. They dont listen to the people and keep doing what they have always done…as you said, worry about their own bank accounts and not the peoples.
Its not the left or the right that has caused the problem it is truely the collective group. I just know feel like any of it will ever change and our government will never get better. It actually scares me a little bit having children and not knowing kind of world they will be living in when they are my age.
As always Matt, you have hit the nail on the head on this topic.
Thanks Janet, I really appreciate it. I just talked with someone I have a lto of respect for the other day, and had mentioned my fear of having kids with the way things are…he said that if you feel you can raise your kids to be thinkers, productive, problem solving…than it’s a good idea to do so. I liked his point of view on it, just raise your kids to be problem solvers and thinkers versus dependent on the system.
As long as we continue to blame one person or one party for our problems, we won’t make any headway. Without this step, we can’t go to step two…it is crucial in my opinion.
Thansk again, and there’s always hope!!