It’s interesting as we careen down the freeway of life that we have this insatiable need to box everything up with pretty labels and thump creativity in the process. To be honest, it pisses me the ______ (insert swearing) off.
Let’s take the example of politics in America…although I know there are different levels in each political party, we are primarily a two party system of Republicans and Democrats. How can we be a two party system in a country of well over 300 million people?? This makes absolutely no sense because it is absolutely impossible that 300 million people can be whittled down to have one thought or the other when it comes to something like politics wherein there are hundreds and thousands of issues.
Another example could be religion, there are about 21 major world religions and hundreds or thousands if you count all faiths and beliefs under those 21 and other than those 21. The point here is with that many “religions” which one is right? None? All? Only one? For those of you that are “religious” I am sure you are bias toward the one you practice…or claim to practice.
This is what we do as a society though, we label everything and everybody. We try to right or wrong and black or white everything and it’s completely bogus. Very few things on Earth are etched in stone as “this is right and that is wrong” yet we condemn, crucify, and torture those that are willing to be different and willing to create their own unique path.
We laugh at people that are not Republican or Democrat…yet I think the person willing to forge their own political identity should be hailed as a hero. You can have your status quo, you can hold it and protect it with all your might…we don’t need it. My view is the same on the religion topic…I will let you guys fight it out until you die…I will watch and find my own spirituality. Each of you claims to be right, each of you claims to have God (or whatever your religion calls him) on your side yet there are millions and millions of people with different views so again…who is right?
If you choose to be a Christian Democrat then so be it…but to judge others and ridicule them for their choices is so beyond even being a _______ (insert swearing)…it goes against everything that “religions” and a civilized society stand for yet we continue to do it constantly.
I don’t know about you but I change often. My viewpoints on the world change as I get older, as I read things, as I listen to people, and as I observe things. So how or why would I have the same political views today that I had 10 or 20 years ago? How or why would I have the same viewpoints on anything? People that want to live inside their box and be a political or religious prisoner are missing a far bigger picture. You can label yourself all you want but how many Republicans believe 100% of all supposed “Republican” views or stances?
Exactly the point.
I have talked to hundreds of people from all over the world and from all different backgrounds and it’s crazy how many people claim to be a Republican for example, yet probably believe roughly 40% to 60% of Republican beliefs, sounds to me like you’re not completely a Republican. Same goes for religion…I know people that are in certain religions that aren’t allowed to do certain things and guess what, they do them anyways.
I will just end this by saying this isn’t necessarily a rant but I just wish people would be more open-minded and realize that sometimes we fight for things that we don’t believe anymore simply because we’re use to fighting it. Let go…relax…let’s use our power of critical thinking to really forge a new path and make honest, real change rather than pass down the same bull to the next generation.
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