I believe in the impossible…because I am doing things that I once thought impossible. That pushed me to read and learn in order to come up with my philosophy on people, on me, and on what this world is for. Mind you, philosophy changes as new points of view, new facts, or new circumstances are presented to us, therefore my philosophy on life has changed regularly over the past 2o years and I can only hope that my inquisitive nature will continue so my philosophy will keep evolving.
One of my philosophies on our time here is that if we get stuck into the routines, the boxes, and inside the lines we lose out on the opportunity to grow. Routines do not teach us anything; neither does comfort or going with the herd. True growth in life comes from stepping out on the ledge and being okay with falling or flying…we learn from failure and success, not from the in between.
That ledge that I refer to does not have to be some big monumental task or objective, it can be the tiniest of things like eating something different for dinner or buying a different type of shoe than the ones you’ve been buying for 15 years. Evolution is anything different than what you are currently doing, which would be your routine.
As I have stated before, I definitely have my routines, and we can never fully get rid of them…nor would I advocate that we should; but I am saying that I always try to remind myself to do something (anything) different than the way I normally do it. The point of this is that it gives you a different perspective and THAT my friends, is when we learn or have new opinions form.
Stubborn assholes don’t change…they have their belief on politics, religion, or business and they never change their perspective; therefore they never evolve and the argument you hear from them today will be the same one you hear from them in 20 years.
Very well said. Just found your page today, your positivity will keep me coming back!
Thanks Nazira, appreciate it!