I don’t know what it is about certain things in this country, in the world, right now. It seems we’re more worried about what

Justin Bieber is doing rather than how to fix our education crisis. If you look at a lot of the things our society is currently entertaining (like taking the word God off everything, cigarette bans, crappy ass reality-scripted-tv, cussing in public, and so on) versus solving REAL shit…is it a wonder we’re falling apart? No, it’s not a wonder…it’s as obvious as my dependence on wine.
The point is we have evolved into a country where we can’t do anything that has real impact because there is always a person or group ready to bitch and complain about it. Are we REALLY going to spend time and money in our legal system on taking “In God We trust” off of everything? Why? I don’t go to church and I don’t pray…but I have no urge to take that off our currency or anything else. It’s part of this country’s heritage and I’m cool with it. And even if they pull the saying off of everything…will that solve hunger, poverty, our decline in education, unemployment, war, disease…anything???
So I propose this…we all need to scream F%&K really loud at the same time…a bunch of times. Let’s get the frustration out. Let’s scream and cuss and do so from the highest mountaintop. We need to move past on the bogus crap and stop letting our panties get in a twist. It’s going to be okay everyone. There are real issues that would actually make massive impact in your life if we solved them…not like “In God We Trust” thing. If we fix education then we benefit by having smarter people in charge in the future. If we fix the infrastructure we all benefit now.
If you don’t like my idea of screaming obscenities then maybe we can all do shots of tequila instead. I don’t know what the answer is but something has to change. Our tolerance to stupidity needs to end and we need to have higher expectation, yes I said EXPECTATION, of people. If change is not expected or demanded, change will not happen. If we do not expect more from people why would they choose to perform? We don’t live in a time where most people are highly motivated anymore and that is due to the decline of expectation.
Sorry for the mini rant today, well, in all honesty I’m not sorry. We need change and we each need to be doing our part to make change happen or at least providing the necessary breeding grounds for change to be possible. So, do we continue to lessen our expectations or do we start holding people, businesses, politicians, and groups accountable?
Agree 100% and am always willing to scream F%&K at it all. Or tequila shots if it will help
I thought I should rant about it Lisa in order to get it off my chest. The other option is to let it piss me off and depress me. I think most of us see that the priorities are backward, we just don’t do anything to fix it. I’m all for the tequila!
Let’s start a f$@&! Coalition: every week we meet downtown and shout “f$@&!” extremely loud…then disperse. I’m in.
Mitch…I can dig it, and maybe the city council could supply us with snacks and beverages before or after we yell F%&*!! LOL
you know Matt, I can totally get the need to vent – so much of what’s happening looks like it’s just a never ending cycle of dissatisfaction>fingerpointing>attacks>to righteousness…. but really, I think it has to come back to each individual. We have to look at our way of relating to the world we live in, to own our reactions in a way that ultimately allows us to keep our hearts open.
The difficulty, the suffering of being human doesn’t get a lot of room – as a result, all of that untransformed Self is projected into the world – so I think when people focus on Justin Beiber or launch into attacks at each other – it’s just what they do within themselves. My mission and I think yours too is to find the thing we feel most passionate about having an impact with and go after with it unabashedly…
I appreciate your authentic, very real expression – this is what makes things move – when we say – I don’t like this – I don’t want it and I’m willing to speak on behalf of it without throwing criticism at others… hugs
Hi there Sam!! I concur…I think you and I have similar feelings but express them differently, which is a good thing. I totally agree that our world is up to our reaction to it…we can react in a way that will make things better (or at least attempt to make things better) or we can react in such a way that simply adds fuel to the fire.
Typically I have a positive attitude and express that positively, although I think there are times where a harsher look using harsher words is needed. I think most of us are doing good things and doing the best we can…but we really have hit a wall of apathy in this country…or so it feels to me.
I appreciate your thoughts as always Sam, thank you!!