I really wanted to title this, “What the FUCK is wrong with us”. I felt that would be a little more attention grabbing and actually be more accurate to how I feel, but I went wimpy and did not title it that…as you can see.
So, what the fuck is wrong with us?
I talk to a lot of people on a weekly basis, online and off line, and I struggle to find many people that are ecstatic with how life is in America right now. Some of you conservative extremists may be thinking that I’m about to unload on Obama…I’m not. Instead I’m going to unload on our current state of government in general and then move on to the other issues in my opinion.
Our system of government is messed up…in case you haven’t noticed. And no, it is not all because of Bush or Obama. Our basic belief in honesty and respect has dwindled so disgustingly downward in this country that we simply can’t expect any better. They have divided us in order to conquer us. There are more political extremists than ever before right here in America. When I say extremists I am NOT referring to Muslims or any other group. I’m referring to fanatical conservatives and liberals. The extremist Republicans and extremist Democrats have whittled this country down to negativity, verbal attacks, finger pointing, blaming, and kicking the can down to the next generation.
In short, the way in which we have been conducting government for the past 20 plus years is KILLING OUR FUTURE. Our government officials and the media channels that they own, are taking this country down brick by brick after our forefathers painstakingly built it brick by brick. Why are “We The People” allowing this to happen?
Some of us aren’t changing anything because we believe the extremist nonsense that our two political parties spew and some of us don’t do anything to change things because we don’t think we can make a difference. I would largely say that the level of apathy in America is at an all-time high. I believe our system (government and media) have beaten us down…we have become weathered and calloused. We are following their lead; we’d rather blame and finger point than come up with real solutions. We’d rather hold on so stubbornly to our opinions than compromise with someone that has different opinions. We’d rather allow greed and stubbornness to envelope our nation than stand and fight the idiocy and blatant disregard.
How can you stop an avalanche after it starts?
I think about our system in this context all the time. I think about how it started as a small snowball at the top of the mountain and it has gained so much strength and power that it is now unstoppable halfway down the hill. I think about all the things I’ve read about our forefathers and what their intent was with this experiment called America…and then I notice the men and women that have been running this experiment for the past 20ish years and I think about how disgusted I am and how disgusted our forefathers would be.
I think about how I’m suppose to teach my son (he is due October 17th) to play nice with others, respect yourself and others, be honest, be a problem solver, and work hard…but when he turns the television on throughout his life (or goes to social media or wherever we’re getting our news) and hears these “politicians” and media talking heads do nothing but smear one another…how will he make sense of it? Why does our government expect certain things from us but we no longer expect certain things of our government? What will I tell my son? “Do as I say not as I do” seems to be the new slogan for politics and media in America. This is not fair and we should not stand for it…but instead, we won’t do a thing to change it.
From my perspective, the only way we can ever gain any traction and change the direction of this out of control avalanche is for the citizens of this country to say ENOUGH! We’ve had enough of the bias media, we’ve had enough of the two big political parties dividing us rather than bringing us together for the common good. It’s time that we take the keys back from these people and show them that they do indeed work for us. It’s time to come to the table and let our voices be heard rather than allowing Wall St. and Washington D.C. to speak for us.
It is time to end media manipulation, end the machine of over-consumption, put an end to the American dream which simply means every family in debt, end the lies coming from big business, and revolutionize the political system. Does it seem daunting? It is…what other option do we have?
Our government sometimes surprises with its actions. and this event was no exception. I think that you have a great article