In a world with limitless possibility, endless opinions, and multiple ways to skin a cat…why do we choose to hold on so tightly to our one, single perspective?
We take the same route to work each day.

We sit in the same chair in the living room each day.
We think our political party is always right.
We think our religion is right.
We take a shower at the same time each day.
We go to the same grocery store every time.
We have the same opinions we did yesterday.
This world is too big and has too many opportunities for us to think one way. All I’m saying is that I think we owe it to ourselves to push the boundaries we hold on to so tightly. If you sit in a different chair in your living room you have a new and different perspective. If you take a different route to work you gain new perspective. Every time you read a new book you gain perspective.
I’m all for letting go a little bit more and trying to seek out a new perspective.
Even if you come back to your perspective it’s okay…but give something different a try.
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” ~ Aristotle
At least entertain it.
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