Things I’ve seen online since the news came out about Robin Williams (and any other famous person that has taken their life in the era of the internet):
- Fuck Robin Williams, he took the coward’s way out.
- He had all that money so how could this even happen.
- The media goes nuts over Robin Williams committing suicide but says nothing about the military men and women that die every day.
I will respond to each.
In regards to number 1: Educate yourself on depression, addiction, and other mental illness. Saying fuck him and calling him a coward doesn’t help his family, it doesn’t help you, it doesn’t help me…it does nothing positive. I suffer from depression and have been close to suicide twice over 12 years ago. You calling Robin a coward makes it harder for those of us that deal with this disease to come out about it.
In regards to number 2: Money has nothing to do with getting help or not. Sure, it can help you get into the best treatment centers but rich or not you still need to make the decision to get help and hope that help actually works. The disease depression does not care whether I have money or not.
In regards to number 3: Those of you that get upset at the media need to remember that we citizens are not the media. Don’t use that against us. If you are upset about how the media handles it go to the media and tell them. Also, stop subscribing to their TV channels, their websites, and so on. They exist through the support of “we citizens”. In communities across this country people, real people, remember the military men and women that die every day.
If the media over does the media attention on Robin in order to get more clicks to their website…don’t use that as a reason to come out against those that suffer from depression. I’m sure those of us that suffer from depression are appreciative of our military and the sacrifices they make every day.
I don’t know. I guess I’m just shocked and stunned at all the hatred that comes out. I shouldn’t be because I know there are a lot of assholes out there. It makes me sick though. The hate and constant complaining does absolutely nothing to move us forward. Telling someone that suffers from depression to toughen up and move on simply shows how ignorant and uneducated you are.
I’m a bit worried about posting this. I feel like a bunch of hateful, angry pricks may come on here and challenge me. I will simply choose to not respond to those. I can’t. It’s unfortunate that this world contains people that are so narrow minded and hostile. I cannot change those minds. I can however attempt to carry the conversation forward and try to help people rather than tear them down even more.
I will leave you with this. When I hear of someone losing their battle with depression I feel like I’ve lost a teammate, a family member. So when I hear people saying that person was selfish (or whatever other inappropriate remark) I get angry. It makes me want to go further into my hole so I don’t hear the same ridicule.
What a bunch of bullshit. As one who suffers here and there with anxiety and depression, the lack of compassion is nuts. When things go so badly, it actually takes more courage then I have to do the deed. Give the man respect and remember how many times he made you laugh while he was sinking into a black hole.
Dad, well said. The lack of compassion is exactly the problem. The more I see things like this in my life and as I get older compassion seems to come easier. It’s almost like I become more compassionate in order to help balance all the hate.
Could not have summarized it better Matt. Too many in society today have lost any ability to show compassion. It’s all about attacking.
It’s incredibly sad, Ed. Life can be hard enough for people…the attacking certainly does not help.