The hard part is taking those simple answers and doing the work!! That has and always will be the biggest problem for most people, doing the actual work it takes to become successful (install your own definition of what success is). All success takes hard work, it does not show up on your front porch via FedEx or UPS in a little brown box.
That is why I am a firm believer that we need failures and successes, renters and homeowners, poor people and rich, uneducated and educated, and so on. If everyone was an educated, rich, home owning success; the world would fall apart just as it would if everyone was uneducated, poor, renting, and failed at everything they did. Everything in life is about balance. The fact is that not everybody will succeed because success weeds out the people that are lazy and unwilling (again, the definition of success depends on the individual).
The sure fire ways to succeed in life are to remain positive in the face of negativity, work relentlessly hard, be determined and persistent, help others constantly, do all things with integrity, and never stop learning and adapting. Sure, I understand some of these are general, but by doing these things listed above I know that you will have a well rounded life of success; and by well rounded I mean you will tend to have successful relationships, businesses, and that sense of fulfillment that we all crave.
Don’t spend your time reading about how to be successful, understand that we all know how…the difference is the work you are, or are not, willing to put in; period!
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