I don’t know what it is about certain things in this country, in the world, right now. It seems we’re more worried about what Justin Bieber is doing rather than how to fix our education crisis. If you look at a lot of the things our society is currently entertaining (like … [Read more...]
Blame people, not business
I wrote this back on 11-29-11 but I think it is still valid and my position remains the same: Russel Simmons was on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning, and said that the OWS movement was not against big business or business in general, they just want the power back to the … [Read more...]
You and all your shiny carrots
You know what the problem with this world is…we take things entirely too seriously. I’m not suggesting that we give up on doing serious things but I am suggesting that we all take it down a notch. Politicians are so serious about protecting their livelihood, stock piling money, … [Read more...]
Impossible Is Stupid
I believe in the impossible…because I am doing things that I once thought impossible. That pushed me to read and learn in order to come up with my philosophy on people, on me, and on what this world is for. Mind you, philosophy changes as new points of view, new facts, or new … [Read more...]
A community effort to find adjectives
Do we really need to have a meeting to find out what kind of traits and characteristics a Police Chief needs? Well, that’s what the city of Paso Robles did (the city I live in) just this past weekend. There was an open meeting in which anyone could attend and help describe the … [Read more...]
Does your light bulb still turn on?
You know those moments where something hits you…like a new idea or when you finally get something or solve something? I don’t know about you but those moments effing rock (I like using the F word but I feel I should curb it a little bit), as good as sex in my mind. Bizarre? … [Read more...]
How to reconnect the disconnect
There is a massive disconnect between Government and the citizens. It no longer matters how it started or when it started or exactly who started it. When problems get this large it no longer matters what side of the aisle you sit on. If you can’t set aside your personal beefs, … [Read more...]
PSA: Unobservant free grazers
After reading this blog post by Seth Godin it got me thinking about my experiences when people and free shit meet. I’ve seen people at the Farmer’s markets (as Seth points out in his post), at Costco, and even at Chamber of Commerce Mixer’s…and to be honest, I view it less from … [Read more...]
The choices people make…or don’t
Yesterday I wrote about that bogus line “we don’t have a choice” and how absolutely inaccurate that is. We all have choices every single second of every single day (people, businesses, and governments all have choices). If you choose to sit and be the victim than that is your … [Read more...]
We don’t have a choice
I’m going to keep this post really short by saying… …BULLSHIT, we always have choices. Cheers! From my perspective, it is just that simple but I know there are so many people that like to overcomplicate things by allowing a lack of common sense and a fear of trying something … [Read more...]