We often times seem so quick to speak negatively about something or someone when we each know that is the furthest thing from productive as we could be. What are we attempting to accomplish by doing this? I don’t think there is a good answer to that question. There are, however, … [Read more...]
Social Media: There Is No One Right Way
The spreading of information and ideas, along with conversation, is the only way to grow. There has been much conversation about Twitter, for example, becoming a big RSS feed and how that is a bad thing…really? Why is that bad? Twitter is not Facebook is not LinkedIn is not … [Read more...]
Celebrating The Differences
I don’t think there is anything better that you could give someone than acceptance. The gift of accepting people for who they are not only loosens the tie of expectation (which is crap, your expectations of another are not fair) but it removes the stress from the situation. The … [Read more...]
Lost Amongst The Chaos
Do you ever feel lost? Like you’re wandering around this place with no direction? Well, you’re not alone. Every human being has felt this in some way, shape, or form in their lifetime. And I actually spent almost my entire life feeling this way. I’d say to some degree it’s … [Read more...]
Why Do You Use Social Networking Sites?
I don’t get this question as often as I use to. I started with Twitter and Facebook back in February of 2009 I believe, and that question came up constantly…people didn’t understand why I would sit in front of this illuminated box and talk to people. To put it simply, I use … [Read more...]
Can attitude really impact anything?
Yes…without question! I suppose I should dive a little deeper into that. How many people do you know that are always angry, always complaining, always blaming other people, and always making excuses that are fun to be around or are “successful” (general definition applies) … [Read more...]
The Business Gutter
After checking out this article (9 Questions: Tony Hsieh, Zappos http://t.co/IUxQld1 ) I was reminded of many things. First thing was just how much I like Tonys thoughts on customer service as well as the dynamic in the work place. He puts the importance back into people, not … [Read more...]
Is There Danger In Being “Over-Social”?
I believe there are lines in social media, as there is with everything I suppose. We speak so frequently about people/ businesses not being social enough but how about those people/ businesses that are being too social, bordering on annoying and In your face…and potentially the … [Read more...]
Who Needs A Guru?
It amazes me that so many people are looking for a “magic formula” shortcut that they think will help them lose more weight, sell more widgets, get more followers, or attain more blog readers in a quicker period of time. What happened to persistence, hard work, consistency, and … [Read more...]
You’re Only Cheating Yourself
Business (and life in general) is simple people, stop manipulating and start building relationships. When you shift from attempting to cheat or trick people, and start caring about people your business will improve. When you start viewing every situation as an opportunity to … [Read more...]