If so, that sucks for you, and for those of us that actually want to accomplish shit! This can apply to any position you have in the business or personal world, but I am going to use the example of Mayor to explain my message. Let’s take Mayor Joe Blow (clever made up name I … [Read more...]
The Fall of Social Media Egos
As with most things, people that do things with ulterior motives get found out and removed from their pedestal. In the world of social media, it seems to take a while, because I think to some degree you can hide your non-authenticity for a while longer than you can off line. … [Read more...]
Stop Ringing My Social Media Doorbell
If people approach you on social media sites about promoting their blog, service, or product do you do it? Or…do you only promote, share, and retweet those things that are worthy in YOUR opinion? And if you are selective…how do you tell someone no? Tough question, and I’m not … [Read more...]
Life By The Numbers
What is life? Is life only happening when things are going “good” (whatever your definition of good is)? Or is life 24/7 all the time? My assumption is that life is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…each and every second of each and every day! You can Google what the average life … [Read more...]
Do You Really Give A Damn?
Well, do you? And if you don’t does that make you a bad person? I spend a lot of time in the social media world where “caring” and “helping” is the “BIG THING”, but what I sense is that much of the caring and helping is not genuine. I’m not trying to knock anyone, it’s just an … [Read more...]
Social Media in Business: Too Complicated?
The talk online (offline too) is constant about how businesses should and should not use social media, and when I say constant I bet you there have been literally a million plus blog articles dedicated to the topic as well as endless chats, forums, ebooks, and so on. My personal … [Read more...]
I’m Naked And Kicking Someone’s Ass (So Please Read This)
We live in a time where capturing attention is very difficult (on tv, radio, online, etc.), so many resort to “shock value” tactics…using nudity/ sex, violence, cussing in article headlines to draw attention, or being the person screaming the loudest and acting the oddest. So … [Read more...]
Taking My Own Damn Advice!
Yesterday I posted about being able to ask for help to get where you want to go, well, truth is I’m horrible at it and another truth is I was going to write about this today anyways…so it’s funny that it came up on Twitter. Brandie ( @lttlewys ) and I were chatting, she asked how … [Read more...]
Ask and You Just May Receive
I’ve read a few blog posts about this, and even written about it myself if I’m not mistaken. The theory of actually “asking for what you want” in life and/ or in business; my belief is that most people do not do this and would not even think of doing this. Why? Because, as humans … [Read more...]
Don’t Lose Yourself When Your Blogging
Blogging is writing, and writing is telling a story…whether you are writing about social media, life, chocolate chip cookies, or mathematics; you are trying to tell a story. The more authentic you can be in doing this, the more successful you will be. I am a firm believer in … [Read more...]