One thing I have definitely noticed lately through conversations on social media sites, as well as face to face meetings; is that so many people are reading books/ articles on self help, how to use social media, how to blog, how to do this, and how to do that. The problem is that … [Read more...]
Let Your Voice Be Heard, Maybe
I am a firm believer in letting your voice be heard in local and national politics. Let the elected officials (um, they work for us) know how you feel, but (and this is a BIG BUT), please educate yourself and then choose your point of view on each issue. Republicans are not … [Read more...]
I’m A Guru Expert Entrepreneur
I am in no way (at all) a guru or an expert in anything except my life and me. I have a lot of knowledge about some things due to schooling, reading, listening, and experiencing life though. I definitely think there are people that are very well versed when it comes to social … [Read more...]
The Impact Of One
One seems like such a pitiful little number doesn't it? Sure, but when you look at it from the following perspective..not so much. One person can have one idea that changes the world. One person can invent one thing that helps society. One person can change one life with one … [Read more...]
Social Networking Is Changing Everything
I recently had a conversation with several people about social media in regards to where it was 1, 2, and 3 years ago compared to today. A year and a half ago (roughly) when I got involved, there was far more debate about whether or not social networking/ media was worth the time … [Read more...]
Talk Vs. Action
I use to think that action always outweighed talk, now I am finding that they are equal in importance for numerous reasons. 1) If you say you're going to do something you should follow through with action and fulfill the words. 2) Your actions should match your words; for … [Read more...]
Adapt To Change, Don’t Fight It
I have been listening to several audio books recently, which I will discuss at another time, and they have forced me to think about LIFE, the MEANING of it, and what true HAPPINESS is. No, this is not some weird sprititual discussion; it's far simpler than that. If this is indeed … [Read more...]
Don’t Follow Me
I've had all these grand ideas but struggled to put them on paper (or blog) due to, well, time constraints and at times exhaustion. So the title, Don't Follow Me, means don't do what I'm doing if you want to gain followers and fans. I am such an idea whore, and I have simply … [Read more...]
How Bad Do You Want To Succeed? (part 6)
Step five: Enjoy the journey, own your destiny (the last one for now) This life is an amazing experience so you HAVE to remember to enjoy the journey and own your destiny. Negative words and actions, pointing fingers, labeling others, and so on; are all things moving you away … [Read more...]
How Bad Do You Want To Succeed? (part 5)
Step four: Be Relentless Relentless can sound a little bit overpowering, but what I mean by that is to be consistent, be patient, and don’t give up. By being consistent others will see you as dependable and trustworthy; you’re always there. They can count on you which will … [Read more...]