You might have noticed lately, um, the Earth has been shaking like crazy for a couple of months or so. I'm only 33 years old but I have never seen anything quite like this, Mama Earth is a wee bit upset. So far in 2010 we have had major quakes in Haiti, Chile, Mexico and … [Read more...]
What Social Media Can Teach Us
Social media/ networking is amazing. I love it and I love the possibilities it gives us for personal branding as well as branding your business and being interactive with your customers and potential customers. We’ve all read a ton of articles about what social media is and what … [Read more...]
End, Continue, or Begin? You Are a Filter
All things can end, continue, or begin with you. We are each a filter, allowing or not allowing things to end, continue, or begin; good things or bad things. Things ending with us; if someone tells you a great piece of information we can choose to pass that on or end it. If … [Read more...]
The Monday Mentality
Why does Monday bother so many people? I'll tell you why, they're not happy. If you loved your job/ career and loved you're life why would Monday bring frustration or any other negative emotion? EVERYDAY IS what YOU make it. Nothing affects you other then you!! Period!! You … [Read more...]
Can You Hear Me Now?
This post has nothing to do with cell phones or cell phone signal; this is about listening. As a business owner I truly understand the importance of listening to your customers and attempting to make them happy...within reason, however; I have a customer right now (a … [Read more...]
The Impact Of One
One seems like such a pitiful little number doesn't it? Sure, but when you look at it from the following perspective..not so much. One person can have one idea that changes the world. One person can invent one thing that helps society. One person can change one life with one … [Read more...]
Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper
The title is a line my wife has said a bunch of times and I have to agree, it's a great "life" lesson. I take it to mean to focus on yourself and not be so critical of others. Whether it's your neighbor, your friend, Tiger Woods, John Edwards, Britney Spears, or whomever...who … [Read more...]
And In The Beginning…
...there was my first blog post; and I am more than positive this will leave a lot to be desired but hey, we all need to start somewhere. A quick back story on why I am doing this now, I own three small businesses (and co-own a 4th with my wife) in our local area; they are very … [Read more...]